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Foodinc  L'Académie a Italian Restaurant in Pointe-Claire, Quebec

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Restaurant l'académie. French and italian cuisine. Bring your own wine or beer. L'académie restaurants has established a unique reputation for value, service and ambiance since the opening of our first location in 1984. Our "raison d'être" has always been to offer fine cuisine in an elegant ambiance at reasonable prices. Our more popular dishes include duck magret, rack of lamb, generous portions of mussels and fries as well as several choices of fresh pasta and sauces. Impress your business associates for lunch or dinner or enjoy a romantic meal with a favorite friend. Bring your own wine and savor the fine dining, graciously presented at restaurant l'académie.


6321 Trans-Canadian Auotroute #129
Pointe-Claire, Quebec
(514) 4294488

Italian Restaurant

credit cards accepted
fine dining
parking available
reservations accepted
romantic setting
  Hours of Operation:
Every Day From 11:30!

Cost:  Less than $25

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