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Foodinc  Willys Jerk a Caribbean Restaurant in Toronto, Ontario

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Foodinc Reviews
"I commend the restaurant owner for the vision of creating an elegant atmosphere at the Brampton location. Most will visualize a Jamaican restaurant/business as take-away, loud,and busy. We as Jamaicans do not all have that eccentric personality. Contrary to what some people may think a lot of us are very reserved. I thank you for allowing me to dine in a place that serves good cultural foods and truly reflects my personality. Comment: Though the servers are all nice folks, I'm sure...They need to be a bit more people friendly. Take the McDonalds motto..."Service with a smile." In other words, when you are having a bad day or when you have passed a judgement about a customer...try not to allow it to show on your face. Hyppercritical...YES, however, being constantly serious and judgemental should not play a part in a business that rely solely on good cutomer service. Thank you for allowing me the oppurtunity to speak. "
Tue Aug 29 14:09:04 2006

Willys Jerk

2353 Finch Ave W
Toronto, Ontario
(416) 740-5893

Caribbean Restaurant

  Hours of Operation:
Not Provided

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