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enigma's restaurant reviews

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# Date Reviewed Province City Restaurant Score
1    Sun May 16 16:24:27 2004 Ontario Port Credit Aielli Restaurant 1.60
From the outside this looks like a great place... as you go inside and sit down, you can't help but feel cramped between tables. It's almost like you're sitting and having dinner with the people next to you, that's how close everything is. The food... ah.. the food... First of all, this is supposed to be an ITALIAN restaurant, correct? Then where's everything Italian?! Fetticcuini Alfredo? No... Brushetta?? No.... Vegetarian dishes? Yeah.. for those who like Butternut squash and spinach noodles..! The waiters barely speak English and don't help out when you ask questions. That's good service! I hope you like reminents of pink lipstick on your coffee cups and forks. Because this place seems to have a lot of that! Don't take your jacket off when you sit down, you'll freeze to death. It's very drafty at the one side of the restaurant... Despite everything bad about this place I loved the dessert! Authentic Tiramisu... so good I'd bare the frigid air just to eat it again. However, I don't feel like being charged 3.00 dollars more than what the menu said, again. Overeall... I'd have to say I'd rather eat at Subway or EastSide Marios than this place. Atleast the food is good there.   new reviews
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