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scoobydoo's restaurant reviews

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# Date Reviewed Province City Restaurant Score
1    Mon Jan 3 18:44:39 2005 Ontario Cambridge Samura Japanese Restaurant 1.80
we had made reservations for 8pm we did not get seated until 9:30pm. I person had to send there meal back 3times before they got it right. They have a different menu for the grill which the cheapest is chicken for $30.00 and if you want to seat at the grill you have to take a package no choice. I order steak medium it came medium rare then the chef asked me if i would like him to cut it well we had chop sticks how do you cut steak with chop sticks we asked for knifes and forks but they didn't come till about 10pm over all it was the worst .I would rather drive to downtown toronto before going back   new reviews
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