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darkstranger's restaurant reviews

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# Date Reviewed Province City Restaurant Score
1    Sat May 8 16:27:19 2004 Ontario Hamilton La Cantina Ristorante 8.00
I like this place, although it was rather loud on the night we went. The food is quite good, and the food seems comparable to what I've had in Italy. I recommend making reservations.
2    Tue Dec 16 11:01:06 2003 Ontario Hamilton Zum Linzer 4.00
I can't really tell if the food was good or not, as this place filled up very quickly with chain smokers ... it was disgusting! Smoking should be banned from all restaurants, PERIOD! I don't really care if smokers choose to poison themselves, but what really pisses me off is the attitude that they have a right to make life miserable for others. The majority of people are non-smokers, and yet we still put up with this! I can't wait until smoking is banned in all public places!!! As for this restaurant, if you don't smoke ... avoid it at all costs. I left feeling like my evening was ruined, and smelling like an ash tray! If the owners wish to stay in business, I suggest they pay attention to the movement towards smoke-free public spaces, and not simply wait for legislation to be passed enforcing it.   new reviews
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